Ramtons Hand Mixer with Bowl RM/369
KSh 5,700.00
Ramtons Hand Mixer with Bowl RM/369 with Bowl also known as Ramtons Stand Mixer is meant for home use and is non commercial.
It is model number RM/369
It has the following features;
- 300 Watts
- 5 Speed Turbo
- Capacity: 4.3Lts
- Turbo function with safety device
- Steel dough hooks & beaters
- Eject button with safety device
- Stainless steel bowl
Buy the Ramtons Stand Mixer RM/369 online here at PhillSoft website or come to our shop and purchase in-store or alternatively call us via 0711592959 and we shall deliver it to you.
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Ramtons Hand Mixer with Bowl RM/369 also known as Ramtons Stand Mixer is meant for home use and is non commercial.
It is model number RM/369
It has the following features;
- 300 Watts
- 5 Speed Turbo
- Capacity: 4.3Lts
- Turbo function with safety device
- Steel dough hooks & beaters
- Eject button with safety device
- Stainless steel bowl
Buy the Ramtons Stand Mixer RM/369 online here at PhillSoft website or come to our shop and purchase in-store or alternatively call us via 0711592959 and we shall deliver it to you.
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